Building Site Council

Building Site Council


Representing the school’s parents, neighborhood, community, and business/industry, the Building Site Council (BSC) provides input during every step of the growth process. The BSC reviews and provides input/feedback on the work of the Building Leadership Team (BLT). This includes needs assessment, goal area selection, goal and action plan development, evidence/data, and analysis of growth.

1. Schools are already required to have active BSCs (Kansas Statute 72-6439 (d)).

2. BSCs are made up primarily of non-employees of the school.

3. Because every school is unique, all BSCs are not alike.

4. The BSC represents the building’s various demographic and stakeholder groups.

(Kansas State Department of Education:  Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) 5.9.16)

Typical membership is 10-15 individuals representing different stakeholder groups.  Site council members may include:



School Counselors

Classified Staff



Community Agency Representatives

Community Business Representatives

If you are interested in applying to be on a school site council please either fill out the attached form or click the link below and fill out this form online.  If you have any questions please contact your building administrators.

AHS Online Application

Site Council Application .pdf
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