Emergency Information

School Closing:


The decision to cancel school is typically made by 6am and immediately reported to area radio and television stations. While it is preferable to make the decision the night before, it is usually not possible. The message will be relayed to staff, students, and parents in a number of ways.

School Closing Notification

In the event that Atchison Public Schools needs to close schools for any emergency reason, including bad weather, information is available at:

    • USD409.net USD 409
    • SchoolMessenger Text Alerts
    • Facebook
    • Local Cable TV, Atchison Educational Channel, Channel 14
    • Local television and radio stations
      • KQ-TV Channel 2
      • WDAF-TV Channel 4
      • KCTV Channel 5
      • KMBC-TV Channel 9
      • WIBW-TV Channel 13
      • KSHB-TV Channel 41
      • KAIR 1470 AM/93.7 FM
      • KNZA 104 FM
      • WIBW 94.5 FM

In the case of early dismissal after school is in session, school and staff will work with parents as much as possible to assist in the safe return home of all students. Parents are advised to make prior plans with their children for such a situation. 

If an early dismissal is necessary, all classes will be dismissed. All practices and events will be cancelled for that afternoon/evening. The only exception will be a high school event which cannot be rescheduled. At the elementary level, all students must be accounted for prior to release.

Emergency Drills:

All schools conduct emergency drills at various times throughout the school year. Students shall be informed of emergency drill procedures at the beginning of each school year. Every student and adult must participate and follow directions closely. The drills are designed to prevent injury and save lives and therefore must be treated seriously.



Atchison Public Schools may decide to initiate emergency evacuation procedures at any one of its buildings to ensure the safety and security of students and staff. Subsequent to an evacuation, the relocation of students might be undertaken if it is determined that they will not be able to re-enter their school within a reasonable amount of time or circumstances dictate that it is unsafe for them to remain on campus. The relocation site will be determined upon a case-by-case basis in relation to the facts and circumstances of the specific incident. Regular bus riders might be transported home depending upon the circumstances of the event, while other students might be relocated to a safe place for reunification with their parents/guardians.

Decisions regarding evacuation/relocation are always based upon what is the safest resolution for students and staff. The paramount concern during an evacuation and relocation is to maintain the safety of our students and account for their presence. All information regarding such an evacuation/relocation will be made available to parents/guardians via USD 409 Alerts. Other means of communication may also be used. These notifications may include specific instructions regarding where and when to reunite with students.

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